## About Me Hi, I’m Mantej Singh, a Biomedical Engineering Phd Student at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. My interests are in the intersection of Medicine, Machines and Humanity. My current research interests are in [Computational Biophotonics](https://durr.jhu.edu/) where I am working on developing low-cost non-invasive imaging systems for blood analysis. In my free time, I enjoy exploring [[Mantej's Baltimore Coffeeshop Guide |Baltimore's Coffeeshops]] and food scene, doing stand-up comedy, and [[Fitness |rock climbing]]. Find me on: [Github](https://github.com/MantejSingh21) | [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/mantej-singh-a4b844a8/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MantejSingh___) ## What I'm Currently Interested In [[ISPEED 2023 Program at Johns Hopkins]] - Developed a open-source microscope kit using raspberry pis and taught under-represented high school students basics of microscopy and optics. [[Fitness]]- Track my rock climbing journey here! [[2024 Reads]] - My 2024 Reading List ## Education ``` Ph.D Student, Biomedical Engineering (Optics & Imaging) - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 2022 - Present ``` ``` Bachelor of Science, Computer Science - Rice University 2018 - 2022, Distinction in Research and Creative Works. ``` ## Work Experiences **Software Architecture Intern, Lutron** _Austin TX May 2021 — Aug 2021_ - Developed an easy to use, versatile and reusable graph data structure in Swift that can be used to build troubleshooting guides to solve different technical issues faced by customers trying to set up their home systems. - My framework allowed engineers to rapidly build and incorporate a troubleshooting guide within their apps which has led to a 30% decrease in customer calls to the technical support hotline, freeing up resources for more pertinent issues. **Robotics Research Intern, Kavraki Lab** _Houston TX Jan 2021 — May 2021_ - Designed a novel robotic motion planning algorithm, Parallel Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree, that utilized multi-threading to calculate valid paths for autonomous robotic vehicles more quickly and efficiently. - The algorithm was able to calculate a valid motion path for an autonomous vehicle navigating obstacles 2.35x faster than the traditional sequential version of the algorithm. **Computational Neuroscience Intern, Tandon Lab** _Houston TX May 2020 — Aug 2020_ - Built an automated system to reconstruct 3D vascular models of the brain from a patient’s MRI images to aid neurosurgeons in planning safer and more effective surgeries. Software currently pending FDA approval for use in clinical settings. - Developed a brain-to-text machine learning system to classify brain neural data into speech to aid patients with speech/neurological disorders in communication. Achieved a 20% classification accuracy across 23 English phoneme classes that match industry-leading classification models. **Software Developer Intern, Concur Hipmunk** _San Francisco CA May 2019 — Aug 2019_ - Developed Andrepanel, an internal company tool to drive the parsing and visualization of important metrics such as popular flight routes, hotel bookings placed through our mobile app, and website booking systems into an intuitive dashboard. - Pioneered an intuitive front-end glossary system that pairs with Andre panel to allow employees, regardless of technical expertise, to acquire data in a faster and more efficient manner. ## Awards and Accomplishments **Distinction in Research and Creative Works** _Rice University, 2022_ - Recognizes graduates who have shown persistent and dedicated research to their field of study and whose research has produced concrete outcomes and demonstrate achievement above and beyond the norm. **Outstanding Senior Award** _Rice University, 2022_ - Awarded to one Senior in the School of Engineering at Rice University who demonstrated excellence in leadership, research and service to society. **Plenary Speaker – Harvard National Collegiate Research Conference** _Harvard University, 2022_ - Selected to be a plenary speaker at Harvard’s National Collegiate Research Conference. Plenary speakers are considered the most experienced undergraduate researchers and I presented my research focused on the topic of Future Integration of Robots in Society. **Outstanding Junior Award** _Rice University, 2021_ - Awarded to one Junior in the School of Engineering at Rice University who demonstrated excellence in leadership, research and service to society. **Presidents Honor Roll** _Rice University, 2021-2022_ - Recognizes an undergraduate’s outstanding academic achievement. **Hershel. M Rich Innovation Award** _Rice University, 2020_ - This award recognizes the best undergraduate engineering invention developed at Rice. Awarded for Kinetica. **Lilie New Entrepreneurs Grant** _Rice University, 2018_ - Awarded to one student in Rice’s freshmen class to develop a project under the guidance of the team at Liu Idea Lab for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Grant awarded to Kinetica. ## Publications [Paper](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10198923) N. Singh, M. Singh, T. Toe, M. Choolani, T. Chye. **A patient-centric machine learning-based phone application for predicting the risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome** *IEEE 2023* [Paper] M. Singh, P. C. Gowda, C. R. Weiss, N. J. Durr. **Simultaneous fluorescence and absorption imaging to characterize embolization in a hepatic artery liver model** _Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Research Retreat, 2022_ [Poster] M. Singh, R. Shome, L. Kavraki. [**Parallel RRT Algorithm For Robotic Motion Planning**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3SuxMtw9nQ) _Rice Undergraduate Research Conference, 2022_ [Poster] M. Singh, R. Shome, L. Kavraki. **Parallel RRT Algorithm For Robotic Motion Planning** _Ken Kennedy AI and Data Science Conference, 2022_ [Plenary Speaker] M. Singh, R. Shome, L. Kavraki. **Parallel RRT Algorithm For Robotic Motion Planning** _Harvard Undergraduate National Collegiate Research Conference, 2021_ [Paper] M. Singh, M. Kadipasaoglu, N. Tandon. **Decoding Phonemes Using Brain Electrocorticography (ECoG) Data** _In Preparation, 2021_ [Software] M. Singh, K. Pham, N. Tandon. **Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Vascular model of Human brain from MRI** _Tandon Lab, McGovern Medical School, 2021_ [Invited Speaker] M. Singh. [**Open Source Innovation**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFc_Gn3qRP8)_TEDx Youth Singapore, 2021_ [Invited Speaker] M. Singh, K. Pham, N. Tandon. **Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Vascular model of Human brain from MRI** _Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2021_ ## Press <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJohnsHopkinsBME%2Fposts%2Fpfbid05eyLmxC3uDsJs1JYH6oB3h4mhATLw5WnxFRyr6EQMFdsxSimmnxn83LEVjyPmJXfl&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="723" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe> <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FJohnsHopkinsBME%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02GQZV7xq1TScZAE2f3jnAHQBqdyk7TTPxRQgdyCJhUfQ83DXnLre9gbvR9EvU2JBUl&show_text=true&width=500" width="500" height="684" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share"></iframe>